How can we help those who are grieving?

Sebastian K.

If you have in your life a person that recently went through the death of a loved one you may be lost for words, you want to offer them your help, but you don't know how. 

These moments are the most difficult times in our lives that we go through and it is normal if you don't know how to offer your help, that is why we are here to guide you through how you could help your loved one.

1. Listen to them without trying to give advice

One of the most valuable gifts we can provide to someone grieving is a listening ear. Create a safe space for them to share their emotions, memories, and thoughts. Avoid rushing them or offering unwanted advice. Try to encourage them in order for them to express their feelings and let them know you are there for them. 

Sometimes, all they need is a safe place where they can talk about all their burdens and what pains them, and this can be very healing. 

2. Make them see that their feelings are not out of the ordinary 

Grief comes with a wide range of emotions, from sadness and anger to confusion and guilt. Understand that each person's grief journey is unique, and there is no "right" way to grieve. 

When you are giving your time to them and listening to all they are feeling, don't compare their journey to others that are going through this stage of life. 

The best thing you can do is to validate their emotions by acknowledging their pain and remind them that what they are feeling is normal. 

3. Be patient and understanding

Healing takes time, and everyone progresses at their own pace. Be patient and understanding with the person who is grieving. They may have good days and bad days, and their emotions may change in a matter of seconds. Show them that you are there for the long run, ready to offer support whenever they need it.

4. Respect their boundaries

While it's important to be supportive, sometimes we think we can offer our help more than they may want it. Even if you have the best intentions you need to respect the grieving person's boundaries. Understand that they may need time alone or may not want to discuss their grief in certain moments. 

5. Offer them your help in practical ways as well

Offer a hand with household chores, running errands, or preparing meals. Small gestures like these can help them with some of their burdens and allow them to prioritize their emotional healing. When you try to offer your help don't use phrases like "Let me know if you need anything", they might not accept it thinking they are a burden to you, instead be specific and use phrases like "Tomorrow I have a lot of free time and i was thinking on coming over and help you with your chores".

It is not easy to help those who are grieving, it requires a lot of empathy, patience and time. But we all need help sometimes and being there for your loved one in their most difficult moments that they have to go through is the best thing we can do.