Why to consider repatriation by road not by plane

Sebastian K.

When faced with the challenging task of repatriating a loved one who has passed away, the choice of transportation can significantly impact both the process and the overall cost. While air travel has traditionally been a common option, an increasingly popular and efficient alternative is repatriation by road. This method offers a range of advantages, including avoiding delays, seamless transportation directly to the destination, and cost-effectiveness.

1. There are no delays

One of the primary reasons to consider body repatriation by road is the elimination of delays commonly associated with air travel. Unlike flights that may experience unforeseen disruptions such as weather conditions or logistical issues, road transportation provides a more reliable and direct route. This ensures that the departed can reach their final destination without unnecessary holdups, allowing for a timely and respectful farewell.

2. Direct delivery and local handling

Choosing road repatriation means the deceased can be transported directly to their destination without the need to subcontract a local firm for the retrieval of the casket from the airport, which adds to the overall cost of the process of repatriation. Choosing road repatriation over repatriating the body by plane reduces  complexities and potential complications during the transition between transport modes, such as losing the flight. 

3. No additional airport fees

Another notable advantage of road repatriation, as we talked about, is the absence of additional airport fees. Air travel often incurs extra charges for handling and clearance at airports, contributing to an already emotional and financially challenging situation. Opting for road transportation eliminates these supplementary costs, providing a transparent and cost-effective solution for grieving families. And of course, it is more environmentally friendly if you end up choosing to repatriate by road. 

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Road repatriation is not only reliable but also more economical, with an average cost of around 2500 GBP anywhere in Europe, though the exact amount may vary based on specific circumstances. This cost includes the transportation of the deceased, ensuring a dignified journey at a reasonable expense, the coffin or casket, the documentation. You will also have the support of one of our agents that will keep you informed about the process at all times. 

Families can find solace in the fact that they are making a financially responsible decision without compromising on the quality of service.

5. Discover our routes to Europe

Our experienced team ensures a smooth and compassionate process anywhere in Europe, handling every aspect of the journey with care and professionalism.

To find out more about our repatriation services and the specific countries covered, please visit our website at https://www.funero.co.uk/funeral-services-uk/repatriations. Our dedicated team is available at any given hour to provide support, guidance, and answer any questions you may have during this difficult time.